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“Living with Covid-19 & Asperger’s”
​COVID-19 Blog
Each day for the initial 3 weeks of lockdown I will be posting a short video on YouTube discussing what I did the previous day, what I will be doing today, how this change can affect someone with Asperger’s and how I am staying positive. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to follow my daily blog:
Click here to view my blog
How I have managed to learn to cope with my Asperger’s and especially during COVID-19
Hints & Tips
Have a daily routine or structure so that you can plan your day.
Keep as many of the things from your normal routine the same in your new routine.
Create projects that you can focus on and look forward to.
Phone as many of your friends and family as you can for a chat. Speak to them face to face via Face-time or Skype.
Plan the things you want to do in the future so that you have something to look forward to.
Don't think about next week or the week after. Only focus on the next 3 days.
Look out for all the positive videos and articles that people are posting on social media.
"Pursue your passions" and delve into your hobbies and the things that make you happy.
Do some form of exercise each day to keep on top of your mental health.
Don't worry if you feel like you have not achieved that much. The most important thing is to make sure that you are happy.
Useful Links​
Living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty
Coronavirus - A book for children
National Autistic Society - Coronavirus
Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health - BBC
Put the effort in now to help yourself. You will reap the benefits and it will make you a stronger person for the rest of your life. You are in control of your mind. Your mind is the most important and powerful asset you possess. You can program it to work for you and you will become mentally stronger and happier. Do it today and everyday and watch yourself become a more content and happy person. Do it for you!
Alex Manners
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